We Want Your Views
Compliments Are Great AND Complaints Taken Seriously
At WELL4U we want to help you feel great, enjoy our service and meet all your expectations. After all, without your support we would not be able to continue improving the wellbeing of children and young people who are in need. However, we know that there may be times when we do not meet our own high standards. When this does happen we want to hear about it, deal with the situation as quickly as possible and put measures in place to stop it happening again. We take complaints very seriously and we treat them as an opportunity to develop. This is why we are always very grateful to hear from people who are willing to take the time to help us improve. We always thank people who contact us about their problems, concerns or worries.
So, how can you tell us your thoughts? Fill in this confidential form below to ask for advice on how to complain or click the "Making A Complaint" button below to download a leaflet about how to complain.