In a Flash :-
Depression affects different people in different ways but generally people with depression feel :- Stressed, sad, lonely and down for long periods.
This feeling is so strong that it affects your day to day activities.
Some of the symptons may include;
- Feeling sleepy and not having much energy
- Changes in appetite
- Feeling that every day things are difficult to complete
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Feeling sad and hopless
More Detail :-
Feeling low or sad sometimes is totally normal. We all have times in our lives where we feel that things are difficult to cope with and that we struggle to cope for a while. Again, this is normal. When we feel like this, often talking to friends, taking a rest, going for a walk, getting some exercise, or listening to your favourite music can help you to feel better. When you have depression though, these feelings are more intense, go on for a long period of time and your usual mechanisms of helping yourself don’t seem to work.
There are many different types of depression and only a Doctor can diagnose if you have depression and if so, what type it may be.
Some people find that they can become very Anxious and agitated as well as feeling low or depressed. There may also be times when you feel completely happy and as though you don’t have a care in the world and then feel very low – this may come in cycles. This is known as Bipolar.
Major life events can trigger a depressive episode, such as bereavement, serious medical conditions, relationship breakdown, difficulties at home and even as a result of an illness.
For some people though it may be more complicated and difficult to identify what exactly is causing/has caused their depression.
If you feel that you may be depressed;
* Speak to an adult who you trust
* Talk to your Doctor
There are lots of things which can be done to help if you are depressed and you don’t need to cope alone. Talking therapies can be very helpful, such as counselling. This gives you an opportunity to talk through the things which are worrying you and help you to work out some ways of coping and to identify what coping strategies you could use to help yourself.
How long you have been feeling this way is also important when it comes to depression. It may last for a period of weeks, months or in some people even years. Depression may occur once or it may happen on a number of occasions during someone's life.
It can be very frightening and you may feel alone – but you are not alone. Many thousands of people each year are diagnosed with depression in this country and many more suffer in silence. Depression does not have to be something which you struggle with. There are many ways of seeking help and guidance that are not necessarily just about taking medication.