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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 


OCD is a term used to describe a particular type of anxiety disorder which can range from being mildly irritating through to severely impacting on everyday life.


As with all conditions, peoples individual experiences vary both in terms of the symptoms which they have but also the amount to which it impacts on their life.


Some key features of OCD are the presence of any of the following...


  • Excessive checking

  • The need for rituals

  • Compulsion to carry out certain tasks in a particular way

  • Tapping

  • Checking behaviours

  • Compulsion to collect



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Sometimes everyone can identify some of these behaviours within themselves but it is when it becomes a regular habit and gets to the point where it stops you getting on with your everyday life that it becomes a problem.


What causes OCD is still undecided although some experts believe that there is a genetic link and that it is triggered after some sort of stressful event or experience. It may be that you can identify when yours started or maybe not, but either way there are things which can be done to help you.


There are some medications which can help reduce some of the anxieties surrounding letting go of the obsessive behaviours but the main course of treatment are various counselling approaches especially Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT works by helping the way that you think about things which in turn changes your behaviours. Although this takes some time, you can notice changes quickly which make your life easier and less complicated.


So if you recognise yourself in any of the above, talk to someone trust and see your GP.

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